Traditional Plant Diets
Traditional plant diets or ‘Dietas’ are transformational experiences that enrich and alter our lives in profound ways. When dieting, we isolate ourselves from the outside world and ingest medicinal plants in order to go through an inner transformation. These processes with sacred plants allow us to immerse ourselves deeply in our inner worlds in order to learn about ourselves and our relationships, heal our deepest wounds, nurture our gifts and talents, and evolve spiritually.
These ancestral practices can be found in traditions all over the world, across continents, cultures and eras, and are profound ways to gain self-knowledge, to heal and to evolve. A regular diet is a 10-day process, but it is possible to diet for longer periods of time, if you feel called to do so.

During a personalised intake we’ll discuss your intentions and current situation, as well as your physical and mental health and lifestyle, to determine whether now it’s a good time to embark on this kind of journey and if so, to decide which plants you’ll be dieting.
It also gives us the opportunity to see if it’s a good fit, and to clarify any questions you might have.
After a previous dietary and lifestyle preparation, the day before the opening ceremony there’s a purge to cleanse and prepare your body and mind for the upcoming diet. This is typically done with an infusion of tobacco, but depending on your situation it might be with other plants. Tobacco is considered a master plant, which is very cleansing and protective.
The diet
Diets are opened and closed with an ayahuasca ceremonies. The first ceremony will open up a world of information and will set the tone of what will be worked on during the diet. After the ceremony, you’ll retreat to your hut where you will spend the rest of the diet in solitude. The next day you’ll start ingesting the medicinal plants you’ll be working with during the week.
Inner Work
Over the next seven days, you’ll spend your days in introspection; journaling, meditating, drawing or painting, reading, reflecting.
Spending these days in solitude allow for deeper processes to take place than when you’re in a group setting. You get to focus 100% on yourself and won’t have any distractions, inviting you to connect to your own inner healer and wisdom of the heart.
Daily 1:1 Coaching Sessions
Your inner process will be supported by daily one-on-one coaching sessions, during which we’ll help you make sense of your experiences and guide you through practices and rituals that will assist you in your transformation.
Ayahuasca Journeys in Solitude
In the evenings there is the possibility to do ayahuasca journeys in solitude. These are much smaller doses than in ceremony, but they will allow you to go deeper into your process. These journeys and your dreams at night will give rich insight into everything that is shifting and transforming.
Plant Bath
After seven days the diet will be closed off with a traditional plant bath, consisting of protective, cleansing and nurturing plants.
Closing Ceremony And Integration
The closing ceremony brings conclusion to the whole process, giving the opportunity to convert anything that still needs to be transformed or let go of, and opening up a new chapter in your life.
The next morning, after a good breakfast, there’s a final integration session to talk about the closing ceremony, your overall process, and the next steps. In the afternoon you’ll get the chance to consolidate all the learnings and insights from the diet through a guided meditation. The rest of the day is used to slowly re-adjust back to normal life and prepare to go back out into the world again.
If you feel the calling or have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me.
The diet includes:
- Personal intake and preparation prior to the diet
- Tobacco purge to prepare body and mind
- Opening and closing ayahuasca ceremonies
- Process with medicinal plants chosen for your specific situation
- Ayahuasca journeys in solitude (optional) to deepen your process
- Daily individual integrative coaching sessions to help you integrate your experience
- Special vegan diet to accompany the medicinal plants
- Private bungalow to be able to go inward
- Traditional plant bath to protect, cleanse and help you flourish
- Integration and closing meditation
- Post-diet indications
- Optional one-on-one support after the diet