Jan Heijting MA MDM
Jan accompanies people on their journey to wholeness. He combines the profoundness of ancestral medicine work with the capacity to integrate these experiences through various methods of working with the mind, body and nervous system, and the wisdom and practices of contemplative traditions such as Buddhism and yoga.
Over a decade ago he had his first experience with plant medicine and has since spent extended periods of time in the jungle doing his own inner work. He studies and practices traditional Amazonian medicine under the guidance of Carmen ‘Camucha’ Mendieta, guardian of the wisdom lineage of Don Solón Tello, and Don Luis Culquitón.
Jan has been guiding processes with sacred plants since 2018 and recently became a partner in Casa de Todos, an ancestral medicine centre in la Banda de Shilcayo, close to Tarapoto, Peru.
Jan is certified in Generative Coaching, EMDR, Generative Trances & Ericksonian Hypnosis and NLP, and holds master’s degrees in arts and in management. He currently attends the Professional Certificate in Psychedelic Practice Program at PsyEdu.
On a personal level, Jan feels most at home in nature and in the ocean in particular. Traveling, freediving and surfing make him come alive. Born in the Netherlands and based out of Barcelona over two decades, he currently divides his time between Europe and Peru.
Practitioner Generative Coaching, Coaching Wingwave (EMDR), Master Ericksonian Hypnosis and Generative Trances, Advanced Master Practitioner NLP, Trainer with NLP.
Trained by Stephen Gilligan Ph.D, Robert Dilts, Christina Hall Ph.D, Judith DeLozier, David Gordon and Dr Allan Santos, among others.
Certified by:

Please get in touch for any inquiries. I’d love to hear from you!
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Tel. +34 687 242 276
Email: jan@janheijting.com